dilluns, 1 de maig del 2017


    1. What does it mean to be an engineer?
An engineer is a person who's job is to design materials, structures, and         systems while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, regulation, safety and cost.
The work of engineers forms the link between scientific discoveries and their applications to human and business needs and quality of life.
In my words, an engineer is an inventor and his job is to discover and create things that will improve the world.


   2. How has been your experience with your team? Has all the members worked?
My experience with my team has been great! I think that we have done a good job (although in the end didn't work) and worked as a team because we helped eachother when someone didn't know how to do something or when someone had a problem.
Yes! Absolutely all the members have worked, we planned and divided the work so I think that we have been organized.

   3. Have you achieved the goal? What was wrong? How could it be improved?
No, we haven't achieved our goal because of the time and all the problems we had. Our idea wasn't exactly what we have created.
There have been several problems, some of them we have been able to solve and others no. The majority of problems we have had, have been related to the rotation of the mill blades since we weren't sure if it would work. In the end, the only thing that was wrong was that we put the blades too low so they touched the table.
It could be improved by putting the blades higher and by decorating it more.

4. Have you worked as an engineer? Why? How have you felt?
In my opinion and knowing what is to be an engineer I think that yes because we have created our windmill with our own idea and while we were doing it we have discovered new things.
I felt normal but with a little more of responsibility. Sometimes I was stressed because things didn't work  and sometimes I was happy because it worked.

    5. Personal opinion.
I think that this activity has been very useful and educational. Useful because maybe someone has realized that this is what he/she wants to be and do in the future and educational because we have discovered how to do new things.
I liked it!


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